Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Indeed – By the Numbers

A quick refresher on the numbers.  On my initial visit Indeed told me it had 53 new jobs for me to drool over.  I recorded the numbers on those categories laid out so invitingly down the left hand side of the page. 

First there is salary.  A quick look says that at each clip level there are fewer jobs.   That makes sense if you consider that each total is a clip level for everything below.    But wait!   The total is 253…when there were only 53 new jobs, how are the 253 jobs in the salary total?  Did my eyes cross when I wrote this down?

Check this again…This morning there are only 11 ‘New Jobs’.    But when I run the search again, the total jumps to 24???   …and further in the Salary column there is only one item – 90,000+ (16).    If I’ve translated this correctly this means that there are 16 jobs at with a salary above $90,000.  Even without my calculator, I know that this is 5 more new jobs than originally reported or there are 8 jobs missing from the count if you go with the new 24 count.   Where are these jobs?  Are they too lowly to be considered? …or too high to be available to mere mortals?

What about the other first figures I drew from my original look (I’ll ignore today’s salary figures as this is already giving me a headache).    In the categories there were 15 titles,  15 companies and 15 locations.  Hmmm.   I add up the counts under each heading there are 65 titles listed from 170 companies at 256 locations.   WHAT?

In spite of my interest in numbers, I’ve always been a dismal failure at basic arithmetic.  I was only saved from being labeled math-impaired when my schooling moved from long-division into algebra.  Maybe my brother, the math professor, can see some interesting progression in the Indeed figures, but they elude me.     I can’t imagine what they are counting or even what they are using for a basis.

Looking further at the page, I notice that it says that I am looking at the first 10 jobs out of their original 53.   However, an actual count shows there are 13 jobs on this page.  

Conclusion:  Numbers  Indeed!!!   The totals are sort of, shall we say, imaginative.    I do have to wonder why in the age of computers this isn’t on target.

I do like the categories, I do like the layout.  In the interests of self-preservation and headache prevention, investigation can wait until later.  I’ll take another look at Indeed after I have figured out how to handle posting the plan and the next steps in my approach to figuring out the job search.

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