Monday, January 30, 2012

To Celebrate the New Year!

It’s the New Year and guess what!  It’s time to think about what to do in 2012.  (Ok, it takes me a while to get going.)

This blog was on my list.  It wasn’t at the top of the list - like this year’s diet!….but what, exactly did I want to accomplish?

My original thoughts were just to review what was available on the job boards and to give the job hunter some comic relief about an awful process.  As a side note to this, I have been asking people about the process.  Here’s what found:


Job hunters, recruiters, HR people, hiring managers…the complaints are universal.  It’s non-productive, it wastes time, it’s difficult, the results are uneven, we don’t get the right people, there are too many people applying, there are too few people applying (unbelievably!), the requirements are too specific, the expectations are too high, it takes too long…it goes on and on.

I’d like to help fix this.

So starting this week, I’ll be blogging about what I’ve seen so far and offer suggestions on how to improve this.  I’ll aim for a Letterman 10 list…

Let’s see how this goes.