Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Writer’s Tangle!

Polishing off the last 5 items on my 10 Ways to Improve the Hiring Process is proving difficult.  The first 5 zipped off easily and now I’m stuck with getting the last 5 out.   The problem is not so much what to talk about but rather getting them out in a logical order.

I’m also finding that what I’ve left for the last five are more amorphous than the first ones.  The themes tend to wind back on themselves and intertwine, leaving me with topics that don’t tie into neat packages. 

One common theme is what will happen to the employment picture in the future.   My view is that employment  swings from high to low constantly…sometimes the swings are large and usually they are more moderate.  My father, a teenager of a farm family during the depression years of the 20th century, spent the rest of his life anticipating another market downfall.  I’m on the flip side and could foreseeably spend the rest of mine waiting for this bad cycle to end.   Who knows?

But with these caveats in mind, I’ll see what I can do about pulling a thread of logic out for the last five suggestions…or what is more likely…I will lay the last 5 out as best I can…