Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Into the Monster’s Trap…

Did I say a quick look?  I Googled ‘Monster’ and like Alice in Wonderland, fell into the hole.  When I emerged it was 4 hours later!  Really?  Really!   I thought I was pretty focused.   I knew I was looking for specifics so ‘wha happened?’

There are a LOT of jobs out there.  There are a lot of options.  If you explore them all (or even a few) you can lose time quickly.  A lot of time!  My objective was to count the jobs falling under my chosen three key words – IT Auditor, CISA and compliance.   Pretty easy…these go into the ‘keyword’ box.   But, Monster has a number of other enticements to make finding the ‘right’ job SO much easier.   For a ‘Standard’ search, there are eight kinds of qualifiers with about 5 to 8 options for each one (some qualifiers have many more).

I followed the search-rabbit down the hole.   The count for IT Auditor and Compliance went off the Monster Meter at 1000+.   CISA was a little more reasonable, coming in at 49.    I don’t want to look through even 49 jobs.   1000 is totally out of control.   My guess is that 15 to 20 is pushing my attention span (I did say I don’t like doing this, didn’t I?).

Back to the drawing board.   The first objective was to get the numbers (I can check this off as done,  well kinda…).   The second was to cut it down to the best candidates and I did say QUICK.    I missed the boat on that one.  I got distracted.  

Cutting down numbers means starting with the most innocuous qualifiers  – radius from my house and then the date the job was posted.   My pre-prejudices…Radius, I suspect, is as the crow flies.   So unless you are commuting by helicopter (and if so, why are looking for a job?),  you probably need to plan to cut the radius a little shorter than you really want to commute.    And posting date?    Yes, I do want to see everything that is out there,  but again my suspicions say anything older than a month (and probably 1 to 2 weeks is even better) is either pretty stale, not a real job (yes, there are those dummy ‘prime the pump’ items out there) or has already had about 500 applicants.

I did the cutting…and woke up after 4 hours.

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