Friday, February 10, 2012

….Using Your ‘Not-Watson’

Here’s an example I described -  a bad day in November!

“The job description was intensely detailed with a long laundry list of tasks.  It sounded like things I have done, with a few misses...I continue and push the button to apply.  

Next screen is a list of 4 very specific requirements with a pull down checklist for number of years of experience.  Two I had, two were the items in their long list which were misses for me.   I see no point applying.”

My analysis:

Not productive: burying the key items in a long list of job requirements.

Productive: Your computer CAN scan for you – on a limited level.  Listing and ordering the requirements with a checklist of the number of years is computer child’s play.   You could even ask for rankings on expertise.   Simple example: Excel experience in years: (1 to 10+).   Excel mastery level: (beginner to expert)

If you have specific requirements that can be quantified, the computer can pick out your best candidates in a microsecond.   But this has to be planned into your application. 

Not possible:  having the computer tell you what the candidate was able to accomplish with Excel!

We’ll revisit this later in my Top 10 List….but it leads me to Tip #2….

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